Unlock your portfolio data and automate routine asset management tasks like fault analysis, invoice processing and rent payment.
Keep an eye on all your sites in one platform – no logging into multiple SCADA systems and no site left out.
Renios makes it easy to navigate data, monitor sites and carry out routine tasks. Intuitive plots, tables and KPIs give quick access to the analysis and insights needed by portfolio owners and asset managers.
By bringing together SCADA, meter and contract data, Renios is able to provide technical and financial reporting and handle a range of asset management tasks.
Renios displays SCADA availability alongside calculated availability to give fleet owners maximum visibility. The event log can be fully edited to ensure that calculated availability reflect what happened on the ground.
For most asset management insights and tasks, Renios has it covered. But sometimes it is necessary to access site data for further analysis or integration with other systems, which is why we developed the Renios API and other data export tools.
Create reports that suit your business requirements including technical, operational and financial reports.
Use power curves to see curtailments and change in performance over time. Track performance indicators on a portfolio basis and receive notifications about sudden changes in power performance. Identify problem sites with the fleet analytics tools and get notified about unusual behaviour.
Understand the key issues causing downtime and see the impact on production and revenue. See technical and contractual availability breakdowns.
Manage services, inspections and contracts using the calendar tool with O&M email integration.
Check and receive PPA and FIT payments with automatic invoice import, validation and self-bill creation.
Pay your landowners on time with and keep on top of rent reviews with automated rent payment.
Keep on top of electricity meter changes and automate your OFGEM submissions.
Most renewable energy portfolios include a range of generation technologies – some wind sites, some solar sites, some new sites, some older sites. Integrating different types and ages of sites into software platforms can be a challenge. Renios is designed with different renewable energy technologies and ages in mind. Our mission is to ensure that no site is left out.
Renios software is compatible with wind and solar technology
Renios helps wind energy owners and operators to track asset performance, minimise downtime and automate administrative tasks. Read more about wind asset management in our resources section.
Solar owners and operators use Renios to assess technical performance, generate financial reports and identify common issues causing losses.
Sometimes called asset management software or commercial asset management software, renewable energy management software is software that collects and stores asset data, makes it available to allow renewable energy portfolio owners and asset managers and provides tools to assist the management of the sites.
The primary data source for renewable energy management software is SCADA data. SCADA data is time based data which usually comprises aggregated 10-minite variable data (e.g. average wind speed, average active power, temperatures etc.) and event log data. It may include other data types as well such as availability counters. In addition to SCADA data, there is also the site meter data which measures the energy exported and imported from the grid. This takes the form of aggregated energy data with the aggregations depending on the region. Meter data is used for financial reporting, invoice validation and rent calculations. Beyond that there are several other types of data which can be used such as climate reanalysis data.
Renios automatically imports rent PDFs and backing data from your PPA provider and checks that the paid amount matches up with your generation and PPA rates. All you have do do is click approve. Renios then generates invoices and emails them for you.
Because Renios stores rent contract details and PPA revenue, it is able to calculate each rent payment automatically. Renios also will prepares and emails remittance documents. Read more.
Renios automatically imports service emails from O&Ms for display in the calendar. Once a service is completed, it can be marked as complete. For semi-annual or annual services, Renios auto-creates a scheduled service.
Significant downtime events are automatically shown in the calendar so downtime and other site activity can be viewed in one place. Calendar events are categorised and can be searched and filtered for easy navigation.
Bringing meter data together with SCADA and contract data is key to effective site management. Renios automatically imports import and export meter data from DC/DAs and keeps track of any meter resets or changes. Any variances between metered generation and SCADA generation are flagged and the reporting tools help you take care of your OFGEM submissions.
Renios does the hard work on event logs, calculating lost, production, summarising downtime events in useful tables and plots that make it easy to see the key issues causing downtime and the impact on production and revenue.
Key availability indicators like manufacturer availability and technical availability can be viewed for any time period with tools for comparing availability across models, manufacturers and geographical regions.